Input objects
Name | Description |
idID | A unique address identifier. |
priorityInt | Level of the priority. |
addressIdentifierString | A unique identifier of an address. |
streetString | Street Line 1 information. |
streetLine2String | Street Line 2 information. |
streetNumberString | Street number. |
cityString | City name. |
provinceString | Province name. |
postalCodeString | Postal code information. |
countryCodeString | Country code. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique business document identifier. |
typeString | Business document type. |
numberString | Business document number. |
expiryDateTime | Business document expiration date. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique business identifier. |
companyIdTypeString | A unique company type identifier. |
companyIdString | A unique company identifier. |
companyNameString | Company name. |
foundingDateString | Date of founding the company. |
persons[PersonInput] | Company persons information. |
addresses[AddressInput] | Company addresses. |
documents[BusinessDocumentInput] | Company documents information. |
communications[CommunicationInput] | Company communication types. |
Name | Description |
checkTypeCheckType | Filters checks by check type. |
descriptionString | Filters checks by description. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique communication identifier. |
priorityInt | Level of priority. |
communicationIdentifierString | Communication identifier. |
phoneString | Communication by phone number. |
emailString | Communication by e-mail. |
websiteString | Communication input data is website URL. |
websiteIpString | Communication input data is website IP address. |
linkedInString | Communication input data is LinkedIn account. |
ipAddressString | Communication input data is IP address. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique document image identifier. |
documentIdID | A unique document identifier. |
imagePathString | Document image path. |
imageBase64String | An encoding algorithm that converts any characters, binary data, and even images or sound files into a readable string, which can be saved or transported over the network without data loss. |
descriptionString | Document image description. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique document identifier. |
typeDocumentType | Document type. |
numberString | Document number. |
expiryDateTime | Document expiration date. |
mrz1String | Machine-readable zone one. |
mrz2String | Machine-readable zone two. |
idTypeString | A unique type identifier. |
districtOfIssueString | District where the document was issued. |
cityOfIssueString | City of issue of document. |
provinceOfIssueString | Province where the document was issued. |
countyOfIssueString | County where the document was issued. |
stateString | State where the document was issued. |
images[DocumentImageInput] | Document images. |
Name | Description |
queryString | A query that includes all query parameters for pagination, search, and filtering data. |
sortByString | Sorting collections by different columns - according to the sorting policy. |
sortOrderString | Sorting collections by different orders, possible options are by ascending or descending order. |
skipInt | How many elements of the collection to skip so they are not included on the results page? |
takeInt | How many elements of the collection should be included on the results page? |
showDeletedBoolean | Deleted items of the collections will be included on the result page. |
groupingStatsMetric | Grouping elements in collections by specific StatsMetric values. |
startDateDateTime | The DateTime scalar represents an ISO-8601 compliant date time type - start date when page request is created. |
endDateDateTime | The DateTime scalar represents an ISO-8601 compliant date time type - request's expiration date. |
statsFromDateTime | The DateTime scalar represents an ISO-8601 compliant date time type - start period for statistics. |
statsToDateTime | The DateTime scalar represents an ISO-8601 compliant date time type - end period for statistics. |
sessionIds[ID] | Filters elements from collections by unique session identifiers. |
referenceIds[String] | Filters elements from collections by unique reference identifiers. |
companyCheckIds[ID] | Filters elements from collections by unique company check identifiers. |
companyIds[ID] | Filters elements from collections by unique company identifiers. |
configurationIds[ID] | Filters elements from collections by unique configurations identifiers. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique person identifier. |
firstNameString | Person's first name. |
middleNameString | Person's middle name. |
lastNameString | Person's last name. |
isoLatin1NameString | Latin-1 character set, ISO-8859-1. |
genderString | Person's gender. |
nationalityString | Person's nationality. |
titleString | Person's title. |
roleString | Person's role. |
ownerPercentageInt | Person's ownership percentage. |
dobDateTime | Date of Birth. |
addresses[AddressInput] | Address information. |
documents[DocumentInput] | Documents information. |
communications[CommunicationInput] | Communication type information. |
Name | Description |
idID | A unique session identifier. |
descriptionString | Session description. |
codeString | Session code. |
configurationIdID! | A unique configuration identifier. |
referenceIdString | A unique reference identifier. |
referenceUserIdString | A unique user identifier reference . |
referenceCompanyIdString | A unique company identifier reference. |
responseTransportResponseTransport | Type of response transport. |
isTestingBoolean | The checkbox "Is Testing" is used for launching test sessions with test entity data. |
webHookString | Response will be returned to specified Webhook. |
businesses[BusinessInput] | Businesses information. |
persons[PersonInput] | Persons sessions information. |
checks[CheckInput] | Types of checks. |