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AML_UIAML UI design.
AML_VERIFY_APPAML verify application version.



INITIATEDThe user launches session check.
STARTEDSession check is evoked, internal status, and will not be presented to end-user.
PROCESSINGThe check will have this status as long as the check session is processed. It will remain in this status until it is finished.
VALID_INPUTThe input data is validated; internal status and will not be presented to the end-user.
PASSEDAll results are false positive, and there are no true positive.
NOT_PASSEDOne or more check results are true positive or pending.
ERRORThe session will return this result and an error message in case of any problems while processing the input data.



PERSONALThe data that needs to be verified is personal data.
ADDRESSThe data that needs to be verified is address data.
LOCATIONLocation data is the data that needs to be verified.
DOCUMENT_IDA unique document identifier is data that needs to be verified.
DOCUMENT_PHOTOThe data that needs to be verified is document photo.
BUSINESS_VALIDATIONBussinees data needs to be verified.
BUSINESS_SANCTION_LISTThe data that needs to be verified are related to Business Sanction List.
PERSONAL_PEPThe data that needs to be verified are related to Personal Politically Exposed Person.
DOCUMENT_FORGERYThe data that needs to be verified are related to document forgery.
BANK_IDA unique bank identifier is data that needs to be verified.
BANKING_APIThe data that needs to be verified is banking API.
PERSONAL_ADVERSE_MEDIAThe data that needs to be verified are related to Personal Adverse Media.
BUSINESS_ADVERSE_MEDIAThe data that needs to be verified are related to Business Adverse Media.
BUSINESS_PEPThe data that needs to be verified are related to Business Politically Exposed Person (PEP).
MONITORING_BUSINESS_PEPThe data that needs to be verified are related to Monitoring Business PEP.
MONITORING_BUSINESS_SANCTIONSThe data that needs to be verified are related to Monitoring Business Sanctions.
MONITORING_BUSINESS_ADVERSE_MEDIAThe data that needs to be verified are related to Monitoring Business Adverse Media.
MONITORING_PERSONAL_PEPThe data that needs to be verified are related to Monitoring Personal PEP.
MONITORING_PERSONAL_SANCTIONSThe data that needs to be verified are related to Monitoring Personal Sanctions.
MONITORING_PERSONAL_ADVERSE_MEDIAThe data that needs to be verified are related to Monitoring Personal Adverse Media.
NONEThe data that needs to be verified are not predefined.



APPLIEDThe company is registered on the platform; waiting on review and activation by the system administrator.
ACTIVEThe company information are reviewed and the company is successfully activated by the system administrator.
PAUSEDThe user can log into the system, but will not be able to create and run sessions.
DECLINEDIf the information entered during the registration are incorrect or the company is suspicious for any reason, the system or company administrator changes the company status to Declined. The user will not be able to log into the system.
SUSPENDEDThe company is temporarily suspended by the system or company administrator.
CANCELEDThe company is canceled by the system or company administrator. The user cannot log into the system as the company account is canceled.



PASSPORTThe type of document used for verification is a passport.
DRIVER_LICENCEThe type of document that will be used for verification is a driver's licence.
MEDI_CARDThe medical card is the type of document that will be used for verification.
IMMI_CARDThe immigration card is the type of document that will be used for verification.
CREDIT_CARDThe type of document used for verification is a credit card.
BANK_STATEMENTThe input data for the document type is bank statement data.
UTILITY_BILLThe type of document used for verification is utility bills.
ID_CARDThe type of document used for verification is a unique card identifier.
CUSTOMThe type of document used for verification is custom data.



PERSONALField to enter personal data.
LOCATIONField to enter location information.
ADDRESSField to enter address information.
COMMUNICATIONField to enter type of communication (e-mail, phone, social networks) information.
PASSPORTField to enter passport information.
DRIVER_LICENCEField to enter driver's licence information.
MEDI_CARDField to enter medical card data.
IMMI_CARDField to enter immigration card information.
CREDIT_CARDField to enter credit card information.
BANK_STATEMENTField to enter bank statement data.
UTILITY_BILLField to enter utility bill information.
ID_CARDField to enter card identifier information.
CUSTOMField to enter custom information.



USERCompany user accounts permissions and level of access to the platform.
MANAGERManager's accounts permissions and level of access to the platform.
ADMINSystem administrator's account permissions and level of access to the platform.
SYSTEM_READUser with permission to read system data.
SYSTEM_MANAGEWhich user has permission to manage system data?
ALL_COMPANIES_READWhich user has permission to read all company's data?
ALL_COMPANIES_MANAGEWhich user has permission to manage all company's data?
PROVIDER_READWhich user has permission to read the provider's data?
PROVIDER_MANAGEWhich user has permission to manage provider's data?
PROVIDER_PRICING_READWhich user has permission to read provider pricing data?
PROVIDER_PRICING_MANAGEWhich user has permission to manage provider pricing data?
PRODUCT_READWhich user has permission to read product data?
PRODUCT_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage product data.
PURCHASE_READDefines which user has permission to read purchase data.
PURCHASE_CREATEDefines which user has permission to create purchase data.
PURCHASE_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage purchase data.
COMPANY_CHECK_READDefines which user has permission to read company check data.
COMPANY_CHECK_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage company check data.
COMPANY_READDefines which user has permission to manage company data.
COMPANY_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage company data.
USER_READDefines which user has permission to read the user's data.
USER_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage the user's data.
CONFIGURATION_READDefines which user has permission to read configuration data.
CONFIGURATION_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage configuration data.
COMPANY_CHECK_PRICING_READDefines which user has permission to read company check pricing data.
CONFIGURATION_PRICING_READDefines which user has permission to read company configuration pricing data.
CONFIGURATION_PRICING_MANAGEDefines which user have permission to manage company configuration pricing data.
COMPANY_CHECK_PRICING_MANAGEDefines which user has permission to manage company check pricing data.
SESSION_READDefines which user has permission to read session data.
SESSION_CREATEDefines which user has permission to create session data.
SESSION_CANCELDefines which user has permission to cancel session data.

User with permission to read check results data.

CHECK_RESULT_FLAGGINGUser with permission to flag check results data.
REPORTING_AGGREGATED_READUser with permission to read aggregated reporting data.
REPORTING_READUser with permission to read reporting data.
X_RAY_PROVIDER_READUser that has permission to read XRAY provider data.
X_RAY_PROVIDER_MANAGEUser that has permission to manage XRAY provider data.
API_AUTHENTICATEUser that has permissions for API authentication.



WEBHOOKResponse returns to specified Webhook.
AZURE_SERVICE_BUSResponse is redirected to Azure Service Bus message broker.
REDIS_PUB_SUBResponse is redirected to Redis Pub Sub message transport service.
RABBIT_MQResponse is redirected to Rabbit MQ Listener.
LONG_POLLINGWaiting for response.
EMAILResponse is sent to predefined e-mail address.
DEV_NULLNo action needed.




Initial status - will never be presented to end user in this state.


Internal status - will never be presented to end user in this state.


Session is fetching and processing results.


Session that received result and its execution is completed.


Monitoring session that received initial data but can be updated in the future.



PERSONPersonal information.
BUSINESSBusiness information.
BUSINESS_WITH_PERSONSA founder, owner, investor or majority shareholder of a private sector information.



NO_METRICStatistical metric values are not defined.
DAYThe value of the statistical metric is day.
MONTHThe value of the statistical metric is month. month.
YEARThe value of the statistical metric is year.
COMPANYThe value of the statistical metric is company.
SESSIONThe value of the statistical metric is session.
SESSION_CHECKThe value of the statistical metric is session check.
COMPANY_CHECKThe value of the statistical metric is company check.
CONFIGURATIONThe value of the statistical metric is configuration.



STRINGThe String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
INTThe Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
DATE_TIMEThe DateTime scalar represents an ISO-8601 compliant date time type.